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our ministries

As followers of Christ, we strive to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.  We believe that one of Jesus’ roles on earth was to teach us how to love and accept each other just as we are.  Worship is a practice, a time to focus on The Divine.  We try to put the emphasis on just being in the here and now so we may feel energized and renewed as we leave worship, ready to take on the world once again with the help of our faith, God, and each other.

Worship is just one part of our faith journey.  Fellowship, building relationships and thinking beyond our individual selves, education, spiritual practices and outreach all help us to experience and develop our faith.


  • Worship: Focusing on the Divine

  • Community Life: Building Connections

  • Education: Developing and Living Faith

  • Outreach and Service: Acting for Justice

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Worship:  Focusing on the Divine
Sunday morning Worship 10:30 am

We can encounter the Divine at any time.   When we pay attention to the world we encounter each and every day, we have the opportunity to see God in everything.  This can be an act of worship, a spiritual practice that brings joy and hope to our lives and allows us to experience God’s presence.

Community Life: Building Connections

We are intentional at Parkdale United Church about creating opportunities for building connections with each other.  Often, we connect with each other through meaningful conversations and socializing with one another.  We also reach out to each other, offering care, concern, prayer, and assistance when others are going through difficult times.  Through building connections at Parkdale United Church, we show we love each other when we walk together in our joys and sorrows.

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Education: Developing and Living Faith

Parkdale United Church is a centre for spiritual growth. We believe in lifelong learning, and we offer learning opportunities for children and adults. We have regular Sunday morning programming for children as part of our worship hour, and other learning opportunities for adults and families throughout the year. 

Outreach and Service: Acting for Justice

“And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)


Parkdale United Church is a centre for social justice where we embrace God’s vision of equity, justice and well-being for all. This vision can be fulfilled by identifying social justice concerns and examining them from a faith perspective; by raising awareness of important justice issues; by providing advocacy on justice issues; by encouraging effective outreach programs; by taking action to correct injustices; and by participating in alliances with other like-minded organizations to make changes within our church, in the wider community, and in the world. All are welcome to participate in helping to fulfill this vision.

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